Sunday, July 22, 2007

Reading, Writing and Music

Yes, I mentioned writing.... I have to do more of it. I need to take my nose out of other people's books first, however.....
Been reading:
Finally read Stephen King's From a Buick 8. Don't ask me why I didn't read it when it came out like I usually do, but, stuff happens, doesn't it? Yes, King has gone off the deep end into outer space Abyss, but this one had enough of his old Thriller style in it to keep me turning the pages. My only complaint is that he kind of summarized the ending, and didn't really end it at all..... I guess it's his way of making you consider that there really isn't an answer. I was disappointed because I read to escape reality -- I don't need more of the same!
Trying to understand Photoshop for Dummies. I'm losing the game.... I've heard over and over again that if you GET it, it is a great program. However, it is also the most complained about program out there. When I lament my lack of understanding to my daughter, I get a mini-lecture that I need to switch over to Mac and leave the PC behind. The whole computer process is starting to feel like a soul-sucking cancer that can't be cured!!!!!
I was stewing a little on Saturday. Back in February, I took the bait, and Pre-ordered the last volume of Harry Potter to guarantee that I would have my very own on July 21st. I should have checked the calender. I received a notice on Wednesday the 18th that my book had shipped. There were some strict rules about the tome not to be delivered before the Saturday release date. That concerned me because the tracking number indicated that it was shipped via UPS, which, to my knowledge, doesn't deliver to residences on Saturdays. The tracking number showed on the website that the book was in transit, and out for delivery on Friday. As of 6pm on Friday, I didn't have my Harry Potter book. I was debating whether to go out and join the masses at Wal-Mart or wherever, and purchase the book again at midnight, when it would be released. Laziness won out; I went to bed instead. After all, I wasn't so excited that I would be reading it IMMEDIATELY!
I awoke on Saturday and nearly forgot about the magic book. I went about my day as usual, and upon returning home at 4 pm, I picked up my mail. There in the mailbox was my Harry Potter book. Strangely enough, apparently UPS has some kind of deal with the post office, so that something like this gets delivered to the post office during UPS hours, then the post office is instructed to hold it until the correct day. Who'da thunk? Anyway, as I said, I haven't cracked the cover yet.... well, I did. For the first time in my entire life, I checked out the last page...... Nope, not gonna tell you.... I am going to read the book from the beginning, and you should too!
While I'm driving around and doing other things, I've been listening to a book-on-CD: Nora Ephron's I Feel Bad About My Neck. Nora has quite a resume of writing.... When Harry Met Sally, Silkwood; and a lot of credits directing. I've not saying that this book sucks - I have laughed at quite a few topics, some belly laughs, some uncomfortable chuckles. The really bad thing about this is that Nora herself is reading the book. I don't think she could be more annoying if she was reading it in Pig Latin. I've seen her on TV, and she IS funny, but she reads with a wry monotone that is akin to scraping fingernails on a blackboard!
Harry Potter will be cracked once I'm through here, but don't hold your breath, I am a slow reader.
MUSIC: Need I say that I am wearing out "Meet Me In Margaritaville"? I'm getting excited about the upcoming Jimmy Buffett concert next week. I know, crazy, but it's going to take me all week to decide what to wear! I'm a newbie where this is concerned. My first JB concert, believe it or not. So I'm a Late Bloomer! Actually, the more I learn about Jimmy Buffett and his music, I realize that I didn't like his early music way back when, and I still don't particularly care for the early music. Some of it was kind of folksy, but a lot of it was difficult to understand the words. I guess I'm a purist. If I can't understand the words with the music, I turn away. That has ended up eliminating a lot of popular music from my personal list! I want to know the words, and I love to sing out loud in the car! "Meet Me In Margaritaville" is apparently a "Best of..." compendium of some really great tunes. My favorite from this one is "Fruitcakes". At first listen, a goofy, fun and tuneful piece that makes people smile. But the deep dark true meaning makes me smile even wider. I love the words and twist of meaning. If you know JB's music, you're probably wondering what rock I've been living under. If you DON'T know JB, you are probably rolling your eyes and wondering what rock I'm living under. C'est la vive!

Everyday Craziness

All right, I do realize I come off as a little goofy. Case in point: I was very excited to attend the Midwest Folk and Fiber Fair just a half an hour from home today. About eight months ago, I became interested in the fine art of wool spinning. Looking into it ever so slightly, I thought I'd check into hand spinning, since it would require very little expense and just a little hand-held tool. When I mentioned this to a co-worker, he was most anxious to upload a full sized spinning wheel from his basement, and my little quest was launched FULL SIZE!
Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on which side of the fence you reside, learning to spin has opened up an entirely new venue for me. That means that mybrain is just revved up at max RPMs, thinking up great ideas for projects that I will never have the time to execute, even if I live to be 163 years old! A year ago, I started a notebook of IDEAS. I carry it around with me, and in moments of repose, I experience intense bouts of creative muse visitations. The longer I carry the notebook, the more frustrated I become, because I DON'T HAVE THE TIME to do most of the wonderful things I think of!
Obviously, an adventure such as today usually brings up no fewer than 6 to a dozen new ideas and variations of existing ideas. I drive myself nuts! I found yarns that I didn't yet own, others that could be combined with what I do have, and even crafts that I haven't yet tried. For the most part, I was able to resist, but there was one item that I had to ask about, ending up purchasing the yarn to make the item and received the pattern for it free with the purchase. I considered myself very lucky at that. I came away with my head spinning with ideas, and a renewed yen to get my tools out and create!
I met a lot of people, and talked to many like-minded souls, male and female alike. One would think that a YARN show would be strictly female-attended, but there is an incredible number of males in the business and they are not gay -- neither are they single, though, as every one of them had a very close Significant Other helping them with the booth, etc. Some of them were involved because they were the ones who ran the sheep or goat herd; others were in the wheel business, and seemed to enjoy the mechanics of the spinning wheel--every one of them could also spin. One gentleman was the husband of a yarn-shop-keeper, and his talent was as producer/writer of the Care Bears shows. He was touting and signing a murder/mystery book and was so entertaining, I bought his book! Get this: apparently he has a definite "IN" for his book, because he has 12 books outlined and plans to release two a year so far...... Maybe I need to stay home and do my own writing......

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I didn't.
February 2006, Thelma and I traveled to Key West to see what there was to see. I'd scheduled a kayak trip for the two of us, despite Thelma's protests that she couldn't swim and had never been kayaking. I shushed her concerns when I tempted her with the possibility of seeing Sea Turtles and sharks. The way to a woman's heart......
Anyway, we arrived for the kayak trip, and I talked to the people in charge and explained Thelma's concerns. They obligingly rescheduled us on a shorter trip that would be much more comfortable for such a beginner. We had a wonderful, laid-back tour of the little causeway and through the mangroves. Our tour guide found us lots of sea-life, but alas, no Sea Turtles or sharks.
Upon my arrival home, I went online to see what else Lazy Dog Kayaks had to offer (always have my future trips in mind). Opening page of their website was an announcement to "Win a Job In Key West"! The outfitter was looking for an addition to their staff (which they later named Director of Growth (DOG). The plan was to elicit essays/applications from prospects, along with a $10 fee to cover their expenses. They would hold the application time open until April 30th, 2007. Being an aspiring writer, I saw this as a distinct opportunity. I proceeded to enter "chapters" once a month, each time, using the seasons, current news, things that were happening in my own life, and often quoting Jimmy Buffett songs as part of my 300-word essay. Last fall, I received a phone call from a reporter from the Miami Herald and granted a phone interview that appeared in a Sunday edition. The website had a blog, and my name was on the monthly "favorites" list a few times. About half-way through the "contest" it was announced that a famous Reality Show Producer lived down there and caught wind of the unique employee search. It was proposed that the idea be made into a reality show. There wasn't a lot of information released, but apparently there was some brainstorming going on at the Lazy Dog location. Once April 30th rolled around, my name was still on the list of finalists. I waited anxiously for word about our next step.
That happened to be a five-minute video submission, outlining our current life, or what we planned to do for Lazy Dog. We were going to be judged on creativity, etc. I had no clue -- I love photography and aspire to be a much sought-after artiste, but a 5-minute video of my life?????? I devised a script, had my friend Thelma help me with the first segment, then carried my little digital around, filling in the rest of my script, including help from both my dogs. The final seg, I filmed myself next to my kayak in my dry and grassy back yard, with good ol' JB playing on the boombox in the background. I had to take the memory card to another friend's house and have her husband help me put it together into a MOVIE, on DVD. That was a funny episode -- I spent two evenings going crazy with something that SHOULD HAVE BEEN SIMPLE. Giving it over to Matt, I found out my camera records in MAC, and I was trying to work in PC..... fine, I will NEVER get this computer crap straight.....
Anyway, I sent off the DVD, had to go Next Day Air by the time I got it put together. And I WAITED. A week later, I still hadn't heard. I was saving my vacation days for the week they indicated for the interview process at the start of this saga. Finally, the following weekend, I went online again, to see if they'd posted any news there. They had. Seems Amy of New Hampshire had won the job. No interview process, no Reality Show. They'd decided that things were dragging out too long, and just picked someone! They promised that they were still considering the reality show thing, but at a later date.... stay tuned. How do you spell SPLGHFGHFGHGPDPGJGHF?


I know, it's been awhile -- I have to get back to the drawing board here. Right now, I have a pressing need to voice my opinion of the latest trend: electronic bathroom devices... You know what I mean: Self-flushing toilets; automated paper towel dispensers. The other day, I heard some news about an automatic bathroom tissue dispenser. Maybe by the time I can't do it myself, there will be an automatic butt-wiper....
For starters, there is the auto-flush. These can be convenient: no need to balance on one foot while trying to flush the toilet without actually touching the lever anymore. Or, they can be a major nuisance!!! How about the Super-Duper Atomic Auto-Flush? If you are unfortunate enough to be sitting when this baby decides that you are finished, you will require an extra plush bath sheet sized towel to dry your derriere! And how about the famous "Bathroom Stall Boogie" for those times when the machine doesn't realize that you are finished, have buttoned yourself up, and don't want to exit the stall leaving the little mess behind you. I don't know about you, but I've waved my hands, bobbed up and down, tried to cover the "eye", all in the vain attempt to get the thing to FLUSH!!!!! Having to lean in and push that tiny nearly hidden button really defeats the purpose of the Auto-flush, doesn't it?
All of this is over and above the original frustration connected with using public rest rooms in the first place. I've often wondered what kind of gyrations a woman goes through to make the kind of mess I've encountered in that little stall at times. I saw a stand-up comedienne once who addressed that very subject. I remember the little dance she did to demonstrate just how badly the toilet gets messed up. I have to chuckle each time I think of it, and really, every time I encounter a not so delicately "watered" toilet seat!
From there, one goes to the sink to properly wash one's hands. There has always been some consternation at the public sink. Either one or the other faucet didn't work -- and who thought up the "separate faucets for hot and cold water" thing? How is that supposed to work? First you scald your hands, then you run ice cold water over them.... so sooth the pain? That is, IF they both work... usually the hot water one breaks... how does that happen? So, okay, cold water only.... And the whole concept of holding the lever down so the water will actually come out -- a person actually needs three hands to wash with these gems. Or, there are the new, improved electronic faucets -- they use an "eye" supposedly: you approach, the faucet senses you, the water comes out..... I really want to know how they work, because 9 times out of 10, I can't get those things to work!!!! I'm invisible to the little faucet guru! I'll stand there, totally at a loss, a ten-year-old girl walks up, puts her hands under the faucet, and washes her hands. I wait till she leaves, put my hands under the faucet; nothing. Somebody, somewhere has all this on tape and is laughing their asses off!
Now there is the automatic paper towel dispenser.... I have never had a problem with those... why is that? Why is that little gem of ingenuity flawless? Strange.
The announcement about the auto toilet paper dispenser said that there would be a measured amount of paper dispensed. Recently Sheryl Crow announced that we should all limit ourselves to only three squares of paper per use. The dispenser people have said that they are aware of the ideals of conserving our resources but realize people need more than three squares to do the job, so they will be setting the dispensers for five squares per dispense. Yay. I can tell you now that I'll probably be taking a little more time in the bathroom when those puppies come out! Check it out! Next time you use the john, go ahead and unroll what you need, then count the squares. See where you sit on the Conservation Meter. Let's all be embarassed.