Friday, September 22, 2006

Sex and the City....

Got your attention, didn't I? No, I'm not going to reveal much about MY life, other than you'll figure out I'm sitting in front of the TV and the computer, instead of out on the street, living my life in person.

Anyway, I am ever the "late-bloomer", late to discover Jimmy Buffet, late to discover photograpy, late to jump on the bandwagon for the program: Sex and the City... I have been surfing channels late at night and whenever I come across an episode of Sex and the City--- the surfing stops. Even if it's a rerun!! I don't exactly empathise with these women -- don't even know all their names. One is a whiney, kind of dumb, obviously raised rich brat; one is a way-too-edgy feminist who can't seem to decide if she wants to be tough or sweet and sexy; the third one is a forty-something sex kitten, ever on the prowl. The last, of course, is Carrie -- I don't even know for sure if that's how she spells her name -- Carrie makes me wonder what the big deal is about this show. Yes, I watch it regularly, but REALLY, what is it about this show? Carrie Bradshaw looks a little shopworn in the close-ups - she certainly isn't THE show stopper. Her taste in clothes rivals mine for being creative, nay, bizarre in what she chooses to wear. Come on, downtown New York City, and a grown woman, admittedly over 30 years of age, wearing what looks like the top only of a pair of pink baby-doll pajamas? Or a bountiful sheer scarf wrapped over a bra and panties?

And the men!!!! Okay, THAT's why I watch regularly - John Corbett for one. When she first met him, she spent a full episode wrestling with the fact that he wanted her, but he didn't like her smoking. Hmmmm, a cigarette, or John Corbett..... What was the question? That Mr. Big that she spent so much time on, not even a type, just a self-centered jerk..... I mean, look at my record -- I have a pattern, albeit and really BAD pattern, but you can pretty much write up a "type" from my past mistakes. Carrie, on the other hand, just keeps going on down the line -- some of them have something in common with her, others are just rich, and/or randy. I don't know, maybe it's the stage of hormones or something, but I just can't see the point.


Get A Life! said...

I am always the last one in on any trend, and I can't say why. I came in on X-Files in like the 3rd or 4th season, last one on my continent to get a CD player, etc.(anyone want some vinyl?)

But John Corbet? Ah, yes. THERE'S reason to watch!!

Smokefree in Seattle

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