Sunday, August 05, 2007

The World Is My Oyster!

Today is the second day of my vacation!!!!!

It is really weird, I slept all the way to 6:30 this morning, did some computer work, a couple games of Spider Solitaire, then fed the critters, and took off for a Bead Show in Madison. Silly me, I plugged in old Bitch in the Box. I drove most of the way there arguing with her, but not knowing where the hotel was actually located, I finally let her lead the way. About ten miles ahead of time, she took us off the freeway and took me through about half a dozen little towns and finally into the back entrance of said hotel. I had no clue where I was, but I went inside to the Bead Show.

Upon leaving the show, I spotted a Noodles and Company across the street, and being the Carboholic that I am, needed some lunch. I was going to stop at a model home on the way home, and wasn't sure how far I was from the target city. I figured, I'd tell Bitch in the Box the crossroads I was headed for and find out how long it would take to get there. I didn't dare ask for "Home", because I was afraid she'd take me there via the Mackinack Bridge or something. Well, looking up a location by crossroads was a bust. The highway I was looking for has about four names, none of which were recognized by BIAB..... Neither was the Freeway, under the three names I could think of for THAT! Forget it!!!!!

I pressed the button for "Home" and crossed my fingers. She started with: "Go to start of route". I had no clue. Luckily, I have a compass in my car, and I headed for the East exit of the parking lot. That did the trick... Turned out I was deep in the middle of one of those weird megaplexes that contain apartment houses, hotels, shopping centers (several), frontage roads everywhere, and the freeway was less than a mile away. Whew! At that point, I knew pretty much where I wanted to go. I left BIAB on to see what she'd come up with from there. I had purposely asked for "Mostly Freeways" to get there. Believe it or not, she took me way too seriously, and instantly added 20 miles to the route home. When I got off the Freeway, and was heading directly to my home, she kept requesting a "legal U-turn" and wanted me to head for the Freeway again, no matter how far away from it we were traveling.

Again, I digress.... I am on vacation! Fun stuff! Bead Show. It has occurred to me that I need to get out of the office I work in and find some means of support either making jewelry, or working with my camera. Being with these like-minded people, I feel relaxed, free, and utterly inspired. Normal people don't notice my unusual jewelry when I am in a mix such as today. At a gathering of artists, my jewelry is always noticed. Of course, at functions such as this, EVERYONE has on some piece of new and unusual bauble, and mine is usually different. You know, for years and years and years, I have resisted doing the craft show/art show scene. But, after reading up on quite a bit of stuff to market my photography and jewelry, it seems that I need to attend exactly that. I've always wished for a marketing person to come forward and just perform miracles, sell my stuff, make me famous.... I guess I'm looking for a Fairy Godmother! I'm essentially living in a place where this kind of thing is sought-after. I'll have to become known as a "local artisan"......

For sale: Hand-crafted jewelry, art photography.....

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