Sunday, August 12, 2007

To Be, Or Not To Be, Move, Build, Go Crazy.....

As usual, it is the end of a long day, and I am tired. This is the last day of my vacation, and I have not gotten enough done.

No, I didn't go anywhere. Let's see.... I spent the first day at a seminar; the second day I drove to Madison, about 70 miles away for a Bead Show. Nice, intimate little thing -- I was not overwhelmed, for a change. So many of the shows these days are GIANORMOUS and upon arrival one becomes instantly overwhelmed, and you can never "SEE EVERYTHING"! Not the case here. It was small, lightly attended, and I had a chance to talk with several vendors and other artists. Wonderful!

On the way home from there, I stopped at a house model and talked to a wonderful couple about building a house. Yes, I'm considering......BUT..... first I had to talk to the bank....

Monday found me at the bank first thing. I'd set up the appointment last week, so I had a list of questions for the dear man. He was incredibly informative, and was very patient with my "Okay, if I do it THIS way...." form of questioning. Bottom line was that he wants me to DO NOTHING at all, including building a garage, until I find out what I can list my home for. Turns out the house I was lusting after did indeed go under contract in May, but that fell through. Now the sellers have taken it off the market until next Spring. (??) I have two realtors to call to list my own home, however, after months of neglect (we spend five months cleaning out my mother's home -- going 40 minutes away nearly every evening and on weekends), then spending two months driving my ailing Laborador 70 miles each way to Chicago for doctor visits until he died. Then I allowed myself about a month to grieve, in which I pretty much did nothing at all. Well, almost nothing ~~ my job lately, has been hell, and I've been working like a house elf with about as much respect, so, yeah, I've been pretty much burnt out and exhausted, too. Result is that my tiny, little house looks more like a storage unit than a home. I had been thinking that the property would be split and sold as vacant land, or I would stay and build on it. Turns out, it can't be split, so if I sell, I need to make it look inhabitable. Ew. If I stay, I will probably spend more money, so the smart thing is to move the hell out, and buy something decent!
The Good Thing is that the house I wanted is available, and waiting for me; the Bad News, is that I am packing and cleaning like crazy!~ Talk about an obsession!!! I sure wish I knew what I'm going to be when I grow up!!!

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