Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Computers... Bah-Humbug!

Okay! So I am out of my funk, Officially as of Today. I am unusually cheerful at work, and having a ball irritating everyone with my attitude. I have made a resolution to get some work done, both on the house, and on my computer. I am intent on getting a handle on this beast, and be able to take photos, run home and download them to the computer, all organized and safe, take my time to edit them, and print out prize-winning prints whenever I want them.

So, I got home tonight, ate my dinner, and then proceeded to gather a few of the memory cards I need to organize and copy. Sat down at said computer and proceeded to become even more confused. I have photos saved and re-saved; files are saved and re-named..... It is more than four hours later, and I don't know for sure WHERE or HOW MANY of the photos I've looked at tonight ARE!!!!!!

I've taken the advice of experts, and have temporarily forsaken the professional program of Photoshop that was a gift from my niece. A co-worker of hers suggested that I try and download Picassa, a free program that is immensely easier to use, and I should be happier with that. As soon as I plugged THAT baby in, it sucked EVERY photo on my computer, including all photos that were in my INBOX in Outlook Express to one gigantic file of PHOTOS!! Not only was that somewhat disconcerting, but it did not have the capable of designing a personalized birthday card, which is just one of the tricks I am hell-bent on doing with my photos!

Tonight, I decided to try to use the HP program that came with my computer. A few people have said that it is a pretty decent program. I sat down, pulled up the program, even thoroughly read the tutorial....and plugged in my memory card. The photos flew into my computer, and, theoretically, were ready to work with...... HAH!!!!! Four hours later, I have two discs worth of photos in one file, all of them titled "Jimmy Buffett concert 2007"--twice!!!! For some reason, I have not been able to separate them from each other and make what I thought were simple files!!!! I am just about ready to run to Wal-mart and just dump everything on discs and call it quits..... I am going crazy and it is all a certain, un-named computer Super-Geek's fault!!!!

1 comment:

Get A Life! said...

Thou Shalt Not take my second-husband-to-be's name in vain like that!

Windows is Watching You